Friday, June 18, 2004

Blue Devil #5

Hmmm....well unlike the rest of y'all, I don't have any busted while skinny dipping stories. The most naked I've been in public is the rather conventional locker room stories. At least, literally naked.

Metaphorically naked, on the other hand, is a completely different story.

The most naked I've ever felt in public would have to be my first foray into the world of Karaoke. It was at a bar in a college town I was visiting with some friends. They convinced me to get up and sing in front of the crowd.

Now I have a baaaaaaad singing voice. I mean awful. Simon Cowell would run screaming from the building if I auditioned for American Idol. So already I'm feeling pretty nervous. But that's nothing compared to how I felt when the song came on.

You see, the song I agreed to sing was "Leader of the Pack" by the Shangrilas. Is everyone familiar with this song? It's from the 60s, it's about a boy who rides a motorcycle. And it's sung from the perspective of his girlfriend.

Need I point out that I was not of the appropriate gender to be singing this particular song?

And this was about three months after the Matthew Sheppard incident, which fact did make its way through my mind.

About the only thing that kept me going was that three of my female friends agreed to come up and be my backup dancers. It was actually pretty cool, and got laughs from my friends. Overall, I ended up feeling pretty good about it.



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