Friday, June 11, 2004

Black Knight #3

This prompt is quite difficult for me to answer. I hold my family in a sort of private reverence; I also know of deep flaws that I am too ashamed to admit in a public forum like this one. (Besides, how long does "no killing prostitutes" take? I need a full post!)

From my mother, I hope to not inherit her money management. My mom has taught me a lot about how to be creative, about how to love with your whole heart even when that sucks and hurts, and how to be nice to strangers. What she didn't teach me a _damn_ thing about is how to deal with finances. Who here knew what it meant to put something in hock before they were 12? (And we're not poor!)

From my grandfather, I hope to not inherit his politics. Actually, this goes for most of my family, except, notably, my mom. Republicans? You bet! Conservatives? And how! Rush Limbaugh? 590 AM on your radio dial! To stick up for them a little here, they're not Bible Belt conservatives. They're Western Republicans that want the government off of their back and out of monetary policy. So none of them really like Bush all that much.

From my uncle, I hope not to inherit his daughter. Don't get me wrong. I love her. But she is more than I can handle, and she's only three. She hit him in the head with a remote control! Not on purpose... so she SAYS.

From my father, I hope not to inherit his penchant for gambling. Not the destructive "bet the college fund!" kind; as mentioned earlier with my mom and money-management, there is no college fund to bet anyway. No, it's more the charming, "I swear, I'm _making_ money on these Scratch tickets!" type of thing. He, in fact, does not make money on them.

From my great grandmother, I hope not to inherit her all-consuming Christianity. I have nothing against religious people, but this woman thinks her own son is going to hell for marrying a Buddhist. No, thanks.

And from my brother, I hope not to inherit his brother. That guy can be a real wise-ass sometimes.


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