Friday, June 11, 2004

Blue Devil #3

Well this TKO has given me a lot to think about. At first, I really didn't like it (no offense Marie :)). Maybe because I don't like to think of my family as anything but perfect. But on reflection, there is definately one mistake I don't want to repeat.

My grandfather died last year, leaving my grandmother a widow. Growing up, we all always assumed that grandma would be the first to go. She's had a long history of health problems, while my grandfather jogged daily and was as healthy as a horse.

After the economy started tanking, my grandfather was laid off (he worked well into his late 70s). As a result, he and my grandmother were forced to live on a fixed income provided by social security. One of the things that had to be cut to live in this budget was life insurance. My grandfather drastically reduced the amount of his coverage, because it seemed like an unneccesary expense (since Grandma was going to go first, and wouldn't need to be provided for).

But then my grandfather fell ill, deteriorated quickly, and passed away.

Now, my grandmother is struggling to make ends meet. She got a decent insurance payout, but she invested it in my father's new business. He was hit hard by the economy too. Now, rent, car insurance for a woman in her late 70s and medical and prescription drug costs have her really worried about her finances. It has me worried as well.

I would like to help out, but I've just left school and have some serious educational debt that will shortly come due. And so, my grandmother is left to hover just above the poverty line, trying to live life on social security.

I know this is the last thing my grandfather would have wanted, and I've resolved never to let it happen to my family. And that's the mistake I don't want to repeat.



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