Friday, June 18, 2004

Black Knight #5

drunk after a party; walking home with someone loved. stumbling and tumbling in the light of streetlamps and holding on to everything. laughing and loving, unable to really control yourself or the things you say; pleased that all the honest confessions you make to her are the things you have said all along. happy to be an honest man.

finding yourself on a concrete bench on the middle of campus for balance; kissing her because you can't resist. kissing her neck because you can't resist. holding on and telling her you love her, opening up your feelings and opening up her blouse, and loving her and finding yourself naked in more ways than one. passion spilling out and love spilling over, and everything is spinning in more ways than one.

you love her. and there's nothing to hide, because even naked, you're proud of everything that you are together.

so you're naked on a concrete bench, and drunk at the time.

so what? fuck you!


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