Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Blue Devil #2

At first blush, Annie's (and by extension, Woody's) view of the world may seem tempting. Like Woody Allen, I am from a Jewish heritage and the history of the Jews seems to be a catalogue of man's inhumanity toward man (and woman). From Pharoh's deprivations to Hitler's depridations, the long history of my people is filled with sadness.

And yet, I have to disagree to with Annie Hall's view of the world.


Because I have seen beauty. I have seen the sun set from the beaches of Wikiki. I have seen my nephew smile. I've read the words of Shakespeare and the Gettysburg Address. I've seen Monet's painting of the Parliment, and I've viewed pictures captured by the Hubble Telescope.

Because I've seen magic. I've viewed not just a rainbow, but a double rainbow, stretch from horizon to horizon. I've seen a catepillar transform into a butterfly. I've seen a bumblebee fly (and if you want to know why this is magic, take a course in aerodynamics).

Because I've seen bravery. I've read of a woman who refused to sit in the back of the bus and thus give hope to her people. I've seen firefighters charge into two burning towers with no regard for their own lives, in order to save the lives of others. I've seen a document written by men willing to pledge their "lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor" to each other in pursuit of an ideal. I've seen a thin little Indian stand up to the greatest empire in the world, a student face down a tank, and a man walk on the moon.

I have seen or read all these things. I have seen that the world is a wonderful place full of wonderful things. And thus, I see that Annie Hall was wrong.



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