Saturday, June 12, 2004

Professor Plum #3

--- a long while ago ---

My father was a military man. A good and loyal soldier who dedicated his life to the service of his government. I can't say where the impulse came from: his family had by no military heritage to speak of. Still, he was determined and trained from his youth for his life of service. And when the call came, he heeded it.

And there he fell in battle.

In war came his end - struck down by Evil. His end, however, coincided with my beginning. You see, I never knew my father. I know he was a great pilot, but I don't know much else. With my mother's passing, I was raised by my aunt and uncle who became like my parents, but who told me little about those whose place they took. I can't say I've learned from my father's mistakes, since I know not what mistakes he made.
--- years later ---

My father was indeed a military man, but I now know the truth. That greatest of evils did not strike him down for it was he that is... that was... that became that Evil.

I have learned that I cannot follow his path. Seeing his life now, I see that fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering. Knowing that my father was not killed by Darth Vader but was in fact...

Actually, wait a second. That was Star Wars.

Never mind.


Blogger Marie Ann said...

Hahahhahahah. Very clever. Very nice take on the question, I was highly amused.

10:52 AM  

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