Saturday, June 19, 2004

Princess Peach #5

Just under the wire... almost...

Public nudity isn't something I've ever really engaged in, but there's one memorable experience that I feel I can share.

The day was warm--it was early summer, and the sun was awakening but not yet fierce in its attentions. I awoke to bird song and a breeze, and made my way peacefully downstairs to the kitchen. I sat, in my nightshirt and Care Bear underpants, and consumed my Lucky Charms with a hum of anticipation growing in my chest. It was pool day at camp, and I was going to be the diving board champion.

We arrived at the pool, a screeching, laughing, howling mass of children, all clamoring to be first in line and first into the dressing rooms. I was somewhere in the middle of the commotion, and once admitted, I bolted towards the chlorine scented girls' changing room. I flung my things into a stall and tossed the blue nylon curtain shut as I peeled off my clothes and dug in my bag for my bathing suit. After a minute or so, I noticed a wetness on the floor, and not really sure what it was, I climbed atop the bench so as not to mar my new jelly shoes. I was in the midst of pulling my left leg through the bathing suit opening when the curtain whooshed open, and a flabbergasted camper stood staring at my nakedness. Frozen, I had no reaction until the girl dropped her backpack with a thud, releasing me from my shock. I screamed and jumped off the bench. Unfortunately, the wetness was still on the floor, and it impeded my landing. Sprawled out on the grimy tiles, I rolled around to cover myself, and succeeded only in getting halfway under the bench with my white little butt sticking out on the open. After what seemed like a year, a counselor shut the nylon curtain, and the laughter began. It grew slowly, but ended in a tumultuous thunder that throbbed through my whole body.

There was to be no diving on this day.


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