Monday, June 07, 2004

Czar Red #2

it's the simple things in life.

the sexy sensation of bath water rushing across your bare skin. the taste of cherries fresh from a tree. your cherry pie. the first flicker of the fireflies on a hot summer night. a child's uninhibited and infectious laughter. hot pasta fresh from your grandmother's oven. falling in love with the characters in a book.

walking across a dew-covered lawn barefoot. his hand resting in the small of your back. falling asleep under the sun and waking up wrapped in a thin layer of sweat. unexpectedly finding a sea of wildflowers on a hike. the smell of zest still fresh on your skin after a hot shower. awakening with tense, tired muscles from a dedicated run.

eating a popsicle outside, the sweet nectar down your chin. lying under a fluffy down comforter. flaunting inside jokes with a dear friend. a handful of cold chocolate chips stolen from the freezer. the deep rumbling purr of a fat kitty.

climbing into a familiar soft pink nightgown.

hot caramel apple cider from starbucks'. a shockingly good orgasm. watching a hockey game with your father. when he tells you everything is going to be alright and you believe him.

finding your old journals and meeting your past self. the thrill of competition. shirts so drenched from rain they cling to your body accentuating your curves. your prince charming. a purple butterfly landing on the tip of your nose. day dreaming in a room lit only by candles.

the warm blush that creeps into your face when you're complimented genuinely.

broken but still beautiful victorian dolls. an old joke that still makes you smile. the exhilaration of really dancing -- letting go of all fear and flinging your body.

an honest conversation with a stranger. the right song stuck in your head. a dress that is surprisingly flattering. holding a fat rolly polly baby wriggling in your arms. a giant healthy salad smothered with blue cheese dressing. being tucked in even though you're way too old for that. the harsh tickle in your throat when you swallow a shot of bacardi. the friendly smile of your rugged teddy bear.

feeling loved even when you don't deserve it.


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