Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Mauve Mamma #1

Oh no, you didn't.

I have a unique perspective on this question because I, 24 hours ago, moved in with the love of my life. The relevance is too much to bear. TOO MUCH!

Now, perhaps I shouldn't say that, as some will use that information to figure out who I am, but I have committed to answering these questions honestly and with abandon, so there you go. The question becomes, then, not "what would a live-in lover have to endure," but "what has the poor fellow had to put up with already, and what might you put him through in the next week?"

The answer: Plenty.

Panties seem to be a good place to start, as they appear in the question, and now, in the top drawer of the dresser where his sweatshirts used to be. I have a lot of panties. So many I actually threw out several pairs of less sexy, cotton underwear to make the move. If he didn't see 'em, they didn't exist. Live the fantasy! Current panty count: twenty-seven. I am trying not to use this knowledge to convince myself that laundry on a more than monthly basis is foolish and wasteful.

Anyway, I am not a terribly demanding woman, but my panties need space. Last night, after the obligatory celebrating and hugging, I got to work finding them a sweet piece of bedroom real estate. The poor fellow (hereafter PF) and his sweatshirts didn't stand a chance, so he wisely told me to do whatever I wanted with the dressers and the closets. I consolidated, relocated, and fold-erated his small wardrobe into oblivion- at at least, into the small corner closet. Then the parade of my outfits- led proudly by the Panty Brigade- marched into the dresser and the larger closet and set up shop. (I should get some credit just for the combination of odd metaphors there.) End result- I have taken over the whole dresser, and my panties, bras, and socks are happily resting in the top drawer. PF pretended to be interested when I showed him my handiwork. Excellent.

It's just the beginning of what he's going to have to live with. Virgos are supposedly neat, analytical, and critical bitches, and I make up for not being the first with a healthy dose of the other two. I should just say I checked out his fridge and made a grocery list, but honesty again compels me. I took a piece of computer paper and a pen and wrote down everything in his kitchen, then made another list of the staples every good vegetarian pantry needs, then another of groceries for this week's cooking. I know, scary. I love lists almost more than PF himself. This apartment's going to be organized and inventoried and full of culinary wonders. WONDERS, I say! You kind of feel bad for PF, until you realize that he gets to sleep with me.

Then even the machinations of the Panty Brigade seem tolerable.


Blogger Marie Ann said...

Hahah. Virgos DO love lists :) When I get my own place I have been DYING to make a written inventory list.

This post really made me laugh. Especially the lines, I might love lists more than him.


4:50 PM  

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